Sunday, November 18, 2012


For those who read this blog and know my commitment to posting weekly I want to be faithful to communicate so as to stay in integrity.

I am having a difficult time staying current on this blog and so I am stopping the weekly post for one month. This will give me time to create a reservoir for myself and help me to create better content for this blog.

Thanks for reading this far I look forward to encouraging and challenging you all in a months time.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Thank you.

There are only a few stories my dad told of living in Holland in world war two but one always stands out for me this time of year and on this particular day.

My dad lived in a small village in holland and it wasn't uncommon to have solders in the village what was uncommon was to see allied solders, but there he was a allied air force solder in the village, his story is the one I remember.

This solder was a co-pilot and his plane had been shot down and was headed for the village my dad lived in.

The pilot rather then risk killing any of the villagers, who were to him only nameless people in a foreign county, told his co-pilot to jump out of the plane while he tried to keep it in the air and get it past the village.

The pilot succeeded and saved who knows who and who knows how many people but he died that day in a fiery plane outside of a village in a foreign country far from home.

I always wonder if that pilot had jumped and the plane had crashed into the village would I be here?

To the unnamed pilot who died that day so far from home I thank you.

There are countless stories of countless sacrifices made but this is one I always will remember on this day especially.

To all who died to save those they would never know, thank you your sacrifice was not in vain.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

The Poser and the Fig Leaf of Separation. .

I have a fig leaf and I use it to cover myself to pretend that my sin and shame is not an issue.
The Bible says love covers a multitude of sins.

So why did Adam and why do I use a fig leaf to cover my sins from those whose love would cover and wash our sin away.

By those I mean people around us, ultimately Christ is our redeemer, the Bible says when we confess our sins He (God) is faithful to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

When I come to my family, friends and co-workers and say "hey I'm sorry I messed up here" then there is a covering of the sin and a washing that can come but it can only come when we expose it by removing the fig leaf of the poser

Love can't cover our sin if we are with our fig leaf of separation.

It's time to remove your fig leaf and become who God made you to be.

This week what would it look like to make a conscience effort to not cover your mistakes and failings but with a heart of repentance (desire for changing) come to those you have dealt wrongly with and be real about what's going on.