Sunday, June 28, 2020

Joy... or something like it.

 I was listening to a song this week called “Fun” by Rend Collective. 

Best verse ever. 

“You are the fun in my life, you are the joy you are laughter inside and I want more.”

I don’t know if it’s this darn pandemic that has made communing so hard but I feel like I haven’t laughed in a while I really miss a good group of friends where the joy and laughter filled the space. I feel like I’ve forgotten how to have fun and be joyful. Maybe this pandemic has just forced me to look deeper as my regular routine has been shattered. 

I’ve asked myself lately where I’m recharging from. What’s the thing that’s grounding me I think it plays a big role in my life to how joyful I am. There are so many places so many empty wells that seem like real options. Jeremiah 2:13 seems to be talking to me directly right now I have abandoned the well of living water and dug my own. Heck I even pay a monthly subscription for some. I don’t know exactly what to do but I know that something needs to change if the joy that I’m looking for is going to come back into my life. 

My personal commitment is to spend more time in prayer and praise and more time investing in relationships and less time checking likes and the latest release on my phone. 

In the immortal words of the great philosopher Buddy the Elf.
“The best way to spend Christmas cheer is to sing a song for all to hear.” 

So sing a song, dance a jig, or laugh out loud. 
I don’t know if anyone who will read this feels the same way.
I hope this helps but either way...  
This is... life as I see it. 

Sunday, June 21, 2020

What song is being sung over me?

The picture above is captured from a song by Urban Rescue The song is called “Song of my Father.” Listening to it lately got me thinking. What song am I singing over my kids what words I’m speaking over them, that led me to ask what I heard growing up from my dad and what I hear now from my Heavenly Father. I totally agree that there’s nothing louder then the song of my Father so what song am I listening to?

So many questions, where to start?

Let me start where it matters most. Right now. 
What song am I listening to as I go through the challenges of life as a man a husband, a father, a human being for that matter?
The song that I listen to is going to shape my choices and my future so I need to ask what song is it today, right now because there is nothing louder in my life. 
There have been so many songs sung over me the song growing in my home as a child is was super negative and I sang that song of inadequacy and failure to myself for many years and I needed to be rescued from that song by hearing another. 
I did hear a new song from a father who wasn’t mine by birth but who made me his spiritual son and sang his song over me a song of love, acceptance and forgiveness and can’t thank him enough for the years of singing to a broken boy a song of hope and healing a song that mended me and made me a man who could look at himself with pride. 

Maybe you need to remember that kind of song. 

There have been other fathers over the years who have sung songs that build me and songs that broke me but there has been a song that I have been searching for from my real father, the father of lights, the father of love, my father in heaven and I have struggled to hear that song clearly maybe because I was changing the song I was listening to from the songs that build me to those that broke me and missing the song that was my true song, the song of sonship. 
As a father I worry that the song I am singing over my kids won’t point the way to the song of their Heavenly Father. I think that fear keeps me from His song but 2020 is the year of victory for the me and my family so to answer my title question it’s the song of my father his melody of love his symphony of acceptance. 
Happy Father's Day dads and if the loudest sound is the song of your father make sure your listening to the father who’s song is love.