I have thought and prayed about sharing this piece of my heart for a while.
The wellspring of life is your heart proverbs 4:23 so my heart must be seen if what is flowing from it can be seen for what it is.
This is my passion statement and from this I will engage men where they are to take them from a place of apathy to victory.
My Passion Statement.
I have a passion to see every man come into the fullness of what God has for them.
I believe everyman has a unique part to play in his family and only by his presents and participation can his family be released to be who they were made to be.
I believe every man has a unique call in his church and only by his action and devotion can he inspire other men to use there streanghth in service to the king.
I believe every man has a unique place in his community and only by his love and reaching out can he bring the kingdom of God to men who are desperate for fellowship.
The three areas mentioned home, church, community these are, as I see it, the areas where we fail to engage so with that in mind in one of these areas I will engage men once a week through this blog and in my daily walk with Christ.
I look forward to sharing this journey.
Every one has a passion it's a question of what it is not do I have one.
My prayer is that you would understand your part, your call, your place, and that man or woman that you would move toward it.
This week prayerfully seek what your passion is and see where you have been placed where you can be what no one else can be.
You only you can be you where you are right now and you are there for a reason.
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