I’ve been asking myself a lot lately what it means to become love. I have other questions too but they all hinge upon this question of becoming love.
Oh here’s a question I have rattling around.
Mask or no mask?
Well maybe for you it’s not even a question and maybe for me, it’s the wrong question but it’s in there so here I go.
In conversations and in listening to people who do and those who do not wear masks, I’ve been trying to hear the reasons for their choice. I’ve been going over the should I question again and again in my mind.
I think the question is: how am I loving my neighbour?
I’ve gone to stores where they ask you to wear a mask to enter and found people who are not wearing them and I’ve been at stores with no mention of wearing masks and found people wearing them and here’s my personal conclusion.
Most people wearing masks find those wearing masks safer to be around than those who are not, regardless of the validity of that I feel that’s the thought process of those I have encountered.
So for me, if my neighbour feels unsafe around me I’m not loving them and that’s wrong so I chose to wear a mask not because I’m bowing to the man or sheepishly following along with a stupid inconsistent rule (two things I’ve heard about that choice)
I’m giving myself the best chance to love people who may be afraid and show them that I want them to be safe around me.
Here’s what I’m not saying.
I’m not saying If you don’t wear a mask you're not loving those around you. That’s not what this is about what this is about is not living in freedom at the expense of love.
(For those who are Bible literate look up 1 Corinthians 10:24 and the following verses.)
Here’s what I am saying. Don’t let your freedom, be it freedom from fear or freedom to choose cause you to not choose love first.
I might be super wrong in this choice to wear a mask but if I’m going to error it’s going to be an error on the side of love.
Because becoming love means I need to ask better questions like: what does love require of me?
What does it require of you?
Today it’s one thing tomorrow another ask the question that matters: how am I loving my neighbour?
I’m Jason and this is life as i see it.
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