Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Catalyst of faith # 2

I was listening to one of my favorite pastors, Andy Stanly preach on catalysts of faith and he talked about the first two of five in part one.

I was moved by the second in his list.

Faith is build with relationship.

This should come as no surprise to you of you are a Bible believing Christian.
We believe that God is a relational God so it speaks for itself that relationship is key.

At one point during the message he was talking about having people in relationship with our children, as they grow they will be influenced by those around them.

Who will those people be?

Will they be people whose values compliment yours as a parent?

You have a choice if you make it to bring people into your children's lives who will influence them toward Gods way.

By not choosing you by default choose to give influence to those your children hang out with or go to school with.

John Eldridge in wild at heart speaks of men growing up by accident, this is a reality that does not have to be.

The idea of intentional disipleship means that you do things that instill values as well as value.

This is what is behind the page ceremony. I wrote about a few weeks ago.

Who is influencing your children?
Is it people who you value and who value them?

When they are teenagers and they need someone outside the home to confide in will it be someone who loves them and shares your values?

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