Freaked out or Faith filled.
You have two choices when faced with fear.
It’s not what the reality of the situation is but the reality of who’s in control.
Looking back at the last 12 months if I think I’m in control or the government is in control or my boss is in control all the choices that were made and are still being made would freak me out.
I was talking to one of my mentors Brad and he asked me point blank “Is God in control”
I replied “I believe he is.”
“No no no” Said Brad “Is God in control?”
It’s not about what I think, feel or even believe it’s about what is. God is in control period.
Stuff will happen. That’s not the question.
When fear knocks at your door the question is will you answer it with faith or anxiety?
You have two choices. I’ve made mine.
Ego driven or Eternal focused.
Fear leads to two paths and only two:
Self focus or God focus.
When I’m afraid and that fear takes me down a dark road it’s because I’m focusing on me and what I have to lose in a given tough spot.
For me staying afraid is egotistical because I start to believe that someone or something is out to get me as opposed to the truth that problems are coming because I’m being built to handle bigger problems.
Why you ask am I being asked to handle bigger problems?
Because I was made for eternity.
I was made, as you were, to reign in heaven with Jesus.
While I’m here I’m supposed to learn how to be a steward of the world and all it has to offer. Oops messed that up already, but God is merciful if he wasn’t he wouldn’t have sent Jesus to redeem us he would have made earth 2.0.
We weren’t made to sit on the sidelines of life we were made to be players.
The Super Bowl was on yesterday 20,000 people in the crowd perhaps millions watching & less then 50 players that actually get play time?
That’s a bad ratio to live our lives like.
So get your eyes off yourself when problems come, realize why they came to you, get your gear on and be a player in this thing we call life.
I’ll see you on the field.
Abandoned or Adored
Here we stand again, a fork in the road. Fear has led us here but where will we go?
Fear can be isolating. It can make you feel like you are all alone in your pain and struggle.
There is really only one strategy that the devil has. It’s to make you forget whose you are and whose you are.
When fear comes in like a wave remember that it won’t stay forever and the rock does not move.
I am adored (dearly loved) by my Heavenly Father and because of that I can punch fear in the face, I can stand on the rock.
The truth is that I am not abandoned and I am not alone.
I am secure and I can overcome anything because of who lives in me.
Fear I don’t stand alone and I’m not afraid anymore.
Regret or Revelation
Taking a look back at the roads you have chosen when facing fear do you regret them or did the road reveal something?
Fear can either freak you out or fill you with faith. Make you focus on your own strength or focus on Gods plan that you are his dearly beloved or make you think you’re all alone.
Looking back at your choices I’m sure you, like me, didn’t choose the high road every time and that leaves another opportunity.
Regret or Revelation.
Regret says I choose poorly therefore I am bad and because I’m bad I choose poorly. It’s a sick cycle of death that’s made for you to fail.
Revelation says I choose poorly therefore I am in need of a new direction and new ways of thinking how to clear the mechanism?
The great church planter Paul said it best.
Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
And later
Be washed by the water of God's word.
Don’t let the reality of fear and the choice to stay in its control of it stop you from seeing yourself the way Jesus sees you and rise.
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