For me the first step to trusting is transparency in any relationship I think this is important.
Authenticity is one of my core values and if not a core value for everyone I imagine it is valued by all.
I’ve learned transparency isn’t emotionally vomiting on everyone you meet but being willing to at some level share your heart and open the door for others to do the same.
It’s easy to stay hidden heck we’ve even got masks now to hide our faces.
My encouragement is take the emotional mask off and be transparent someone out there is waiting for you to be authentic and open the door for real relationship.
A key ingredient to any relationship is trust. In fact it may be the key.
Relationship and trust. Trust and relationship.
They are two sides of the same coin.
Eric Erickson a student of Sigmund Freud said the first thing we learn is to either trust or mistrust and it sets us on a path that. We need to first trust or we will never have the quality relationships we were meant to have.
A relationship without trust is doomed. Trust comes from sacrifice, but that’s for another day.
Today reach out build some relationships based on trust. It’s what Jesus did it’s what we who follow him must also do.
Walking through life with others and building transparent relationships takes unity.
Something Christians throughout history have mistaken unity for conformity.
Historically the demand for conformity has caused crusades, inquisitions and less violently church splits and turning the good news into something bad.
How do we stand together when we don’t agree?
I think unity starts in the heart the base is love if I love then I don’t have to demand that you are like me then we can build a relationship be transparent and create trust and if we trust then we are open to hearing the good news.
Building trust takes personal investment and like the stock market it can be risky people could get hurt.
Trust someone with your heart,
they may break it.
Trust someone with your friendship,
they may betray you.
Trust someone with your life,
they might steal it.
Trust someone with your heart,
they may heal it.
Trust someone with your friendship,
they may become your best friend
Trust someone with your life,
they might build it back up.
I have been on both sides of trust.
The home I grew up gave me lots of reasons to not trust ever again but God showed up not that I recognized him.
He looked like a teacher and a class mate.
He looked like a friend and a coworker and also like a random stranger sometimes.
I had to pick a side of trust to live on so do you.
Healed people heal people.
Hurt people hurt people.
Be a healer, be a friend, build people up and help create trust it’s risky and it will cost you but the payout is eternal.
Trust takes time.
Like the old adage goes “Rome wasn’t built in a day” but it’s lasted many lifetimes.
My mentor has told me that time is the most precious commodity we have, the most valuable thing we have to give because it’s the one thing we can’t create more of.
I think in our fast food, digital, instant message world we have lost some very valuable truths about time.
I’ve been so wrapped up in the idea that I don’t have enough time to do all the things I need to do but that’s just not true.
2020 proved time wasn’t the issue for many unfinished to do’s.
Focus was the issue and honestly still is.
Mike Murdock said “The only reason men fail is because of broken focus.”
2021 is the year of hope and you can’t give something to people if they don’t trust you and as I said
Trust takes time.
Make 2021 the year you build trust by giving away your most valuable possession, your time.
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